If these instructions don't work, or you have trouble understanding them, please contact myself or a member of the Tactical staff. This setup has been installed by 3 different members on their systems and tested by playing single, instant action and multiplayer games. By following these instructions you'll have 3 different options to play STA 2:ġ) Armada 2 'original' game play with multiplayer option using the 1.1 and 1.25 patch with multiplayer mode by connecting through Tunngle.Ģ) In Fleet Ops mode, with multiplayer mode by connecting through Tunngle.ģ) In Classic mode using the Classic mod, with multiplayer mode by connecting through Tunngle. While you can get Star Trek Armada 2 to run on Windows 7 with fairly minor adjustments, you might still have problems with your graphics and you won't be able to connect in multiplayer mode.
This thread has been created to compile the installation instructions for Armada 2, for any of the events we host - this includes stock Armada 2 events, as well as Fleet Operations.